1. I hereby promise, during the period of car rental, to comply with the Japanese Traffic Laws and the following listed items, and I assure to return the rented vehicle intact by the end of the rental period.
2. I hold solely responsible for the rented vehicle during the rental period. For example, but not limited to, I am fully responsible to compensate the parties concerned for any inconvenience or damage incurred by my delayed return of the rental vehicle. And I also understand I may be subject to any penalty for any breach of contract.
3. I understand that extra cost will incur for any delay in returning the rented vehicle, and the amount of extra cost is calculated on an hourly basis, any over-time under one hour will be charged by the hourly rate. The “extra hourly rate” can be found on the car rental manual.
4. I agree that Family Go Japan Corporation (hereinafter referred to as ” the Company”) has the rights to terminate the rental contract with renter without compensation nor giving any reasons. I, as the renter, have the obligation to return the renter vehicle accordingly.
5. I guarantee that I shall not re-rent the renter vehicle to any third-party.
6. I hold full responsibility for any events of loss in property, injury, casualty and self-destruction that are related to the rented vehicle, and damage of the renter vehicle (for examples but not limited to, scratches, acute dirts) during the rental period of the vehicle concerned.
7. In any events of accidents, if insured, I am obliged to inform Family Go Japan Corporation and the Police immediately. Also I have the obligation to assist in handling and providing any documents required in the process of the insurance claim. I also understand that I will be responsible for bearing the following, but not limited to, costs: 1) the amount of loss that exceeds the insurance coverage; 2) disclaimer; 3) the items of loss that are not covered by the insurance package.
8. When using the above-mentioned rented vehicle, I must comply with the Traffic Laws and other applicable laws and regulations, and hold fully responsible.
9. I am responsible for paying the cost of car rental and also all the incurred costs and fees by using the above-mentioned rented vehicle, for example, but not limited to, fuels and highway fees.
10. I understand I have the responsibility to secure the car key. In the event of lost car key, I am obliged to pay Family Go Japan Corporation the cost of JPY 80,000 per piece of lost car key.
11. I understand if I violate Traffic Laws in Japan I will be penalised with a fine, and I must immediately settle the fine at the police station or post office. When returning the rented vehicle, I need to present to Family Go Japan Corporation any traffic tickets and settlement receipts, I am well acknowledged that I have the obligation to ensure the rented vehicle to remain intact throughout the rental period.